Private Lessons


We currently offer private lessons in Spanish, French, Vietnamese, and Mandarin Chinese. Is there another language that you want to learn? Check out our group classes and conversation hours!

Times & Locations

Private lessons can be conducted on weekday mornings or weekends. Sessions are arranged to fit perfectly within your schedule! We recommend scheduling meetings weekly or biweekly to help you retain content between lessons.

Weekday morning lessons (Monday-Friday) can be conducted online or in-person at Vecino Center (3477 Myer Lee Drive, Winston-Salem). Weekend lessons (Saturday-Sunday) are conducted online.

How do I schedule lessons?

To begin the process, email us at ( with your language of interest, previous language learning experience, and scheduling availability. We’ll send you a short language evaluation that will help us match you to the perfect instructor for your language level.

Once you have been paired with one of our extraordinary instructors, we will work with you to schedule your five sessions and start your language journey!


Private lessons are purchased in packs of 5 lessons for $325. Each lesson lasts one hour.

Purchase Private Lessons

Have you completed the steps above and are ready to purchase your lessons? Click the link below!